Our Impact
Read how we've made an impact on our Wall of Hope
Hear from our community about how they’re grateful for the hard work of our staff and partners, inspired by our efforts, and driven by our mission for a effective and humane criminal legal system.
Mary-Jude V.
I think it is wonderful that other people care about those incarcerated and the need to change so many things about prison and our legal system.
Louise A.
I am a strong believer in Justice for all. There is little justice for minorities in the USA, from housing to jobs to fair wages to educational opportunities to policing practices. The Sentencing Project addresses a most obvious aspect of this. Thank you.
Valerie M.
We are in desperate need of sentencing reform and The Sentencing Project is doing wonderful work on getting us there. Through education and research we can help others understand what's going on, and why they should care.
Sarah B.
This is very personal for me as this impacts my oldest son. I agree that there are better ways to deal with wrong choices and decisions especially by young adults that are not yet able to make the best choices. Throwing them in prison and treating them like animals instead of human beings is not helping anyone. Find the problem and help fix it. It’s time for a change with our justice system.
Kimberly T.
As a public defender, I recognize the harms mass incarceration causes to our communities and try to use my position to help educate others and work to reform the system. Incarceration is one of the least effective ways of making positive changes (both for the individual charged and for the community) and I try to advocate for alternates to incarceration whenever I can. The Sentencing Project's resources have made that easier, and I am happy to support their work whenever I can.
Karen B.
I support the Sentencing Project because our criminal justice system does not protect all people. In fact, many people in our country and others around the world are justifiably afraid of our police officers. They are rightly afraid of the very people we expect to keep them safe. It does not have to be this way. The Sentencing Project is working to fix this.
Susan M.
It is time for restitution, compassion, and mediation to replace our current system of vengeance and warehousing people who have gotten trapped in the horror of the criminal justice system.
Michael L. P.
You are a credible and mainstream voice that offsets the hysteria of groups that have turned the US criminal justice system away from justice.
Felicia H.
I have watched your work for years. I saw how many individuals were positively affected by your hard work to end the crack disparity sentences. Thank you.
Thomas K.
The Sentencing Project provides the research and tools to help us create a more just society.
Dolores A.
Punishment using a simplistic and biased incarceration model does not make society safe. Public knowledge about this, along with political advocacy, is a necessary part of ending mass incarceration. Ending mass incarceration would make resources available for education, treatment, vocational training, housing, community recreation spaces, and all that makes a society healthy and secure.
Carol R.
The Sentencing Project is a very important tool to see that real justice is served and the punishment fits the crime. Equal justice under the law is not being well-served.
Victor P.
Just know that the work you do inspires others, and I appreciate all you are doing to end the scourge of mass incarceration in our country.
Virginia S.
As an organizer with Matir Asurim: Jewish Care Network for Incarcerated People, I regularly turn to The Sentencing Project for research and advocacy information. The work is enormous and never-ending, and they are a steady, solid resource.
An anonymous supporter
I am very grateful for The Sentencing project. We have to continue to come together and have hope for our loved ones that's incarcerated. The Sentencing Project has given me hope that there are people listening and who cares about what goes on in these prisons. I will continue to stand and hope more people join so that one day mass incarceration can come to an end.

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When you join our monthly donor community, you help build a movement that prioritizes justice and community safety over incarceration. Your tax-deductible gifts each month will sustain our mission and work to end mass incarceration all year long.
Rosemary C.
Please know that there are many who believe in support you and will never stop doing so. Keep the faith because we are with you.
Tracy M.
You are not alone, we are with you and will continue to fight for justice! No justice, No peace!
Sharon B.
“If you are not hungry for justice, you are usually too full of privilege. “
Winston T.
Thanks for helping those who are incarcerated unfairly and those who do not receive equal treatment under the law.
Michelle T.
I am so grateful for your work to end mass incarceration & stop unfair sentencing for Black & brown people. Thank you for your hard work. It is vital work!
Debi M.
Please keep continuing to be our warriors for this great cause. We need and appreciate all you do so keep fighting!!!!!
Sonia M.
Thank you for the job you are doing. I know it’s not easy, but continue to get back up when knocked down. We need more people like you because unfortunately the justice system is not necessarily for all.
An anonymous supporter
I'm 77 and have been working on prison policy reform for about 30 years in a Republican controlled state. I am hopeful because so many citizens of Wisconsin have been become educated and informed about the realities of prison and its impact on individuals, especially those of color.
Warren Clay H.
I find it refreshing that this organization appears to be beginning - just beginning - to apply the pressure necessary to reverse this unconscionable approach to sentencing, as well - the country needs to return to a more humane and less punitive approach. Such a change would ultimately have a positive impact on far more than just sentencing!
Rebecca F.
Thank you for dedicating your time and emotional energy to this work that illuminates a path forward and offers radical hope, even in times of desperation and despair.
Aiysha G.
My hope is that this group continues to help our families fight against the colossal bully that is the system. My gratitude is too big for this space. The time spent on our loved ones, even if for a second, is worth its weight and, more in gold.
Martha Jane H.
I appreciate what you're doing to help those like my son that have been sentenced excessively. Keep going and doing what you do best!! Don't stop, keep trying, there are so many suffering through excessive sentences that need your help.
An anonymous supporter
Justice, compassion and sympathy will be victorious over racism, prejudice and injustice.
Simone S.
I'm grateful for every person reading this and everyone out there advocating for change! The work we're doing to shift the way the justice system operates and treats people is making a big impact! We're planting some powerful seeds, even if we don't see the fruits of our labor in the moment. Keep hope alive!!
An anonymous supporter
Let us never give up hope! Let us stay strong and unite to overcome!
Danielle K.
As a person working in this field in Canada, it's inspiring to see some of the great work done by The Sentencing Project in the U.S. I appreciate how much effort and time goes into all the great work that the team does. Thank you for all the information and advocacy that is making our world a better place!
Marjorie H.
You are not alone. We are in this together.
Linda M.
I hope that we can live in a more equitable world. People should not be incarcerated unfairly.
Elisse D.
It is wonderful to have an organization, like yours, that promulgates compassion, and racial justice. I truly appreciate your excellent service.
Nancy S.
You are doing the work for all of us...Thank you:)
Julie K.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. You are appreciated.
Linda S.
As a formerly incarcerated women and ED of Reentry Sisters, we are proud to support The Sentencing Project, as we work toward the abolition of mass incarceration for women and girls. The Sentencing Project's research is essential to our evidence-based advocacy and our collective voice in speaking truth to power.
Vicki T.
I am grateful for this organization that is working to end mass incarceration and racism. They are highly skilled and needed in this 2024 environment and beyond.
Steven A.
Grateful for everyone who is working to end mass incarceration and, at the same time, ensuring that all eligible voters who are incarcerated can exercise their fundamental rights, unabridged.
Rodrigo V.
The Sentencing Project plays a fundamental role in the global movement to reform criminal justice. I deeply admire the work you do every day, with the professionalism and passion you show. Please keep doing this for many years ahead.
Karen Claire C.
I have experienced first hand, the power of hope. It sustained my sons and myself as they were given life sentences in 1998. Today they are both free and living life to the fullest. We kept our hope alive and in return, it kept us alive. Never Give Up.
Willis H.
You have kept me informed about many things in corrections, crime and criminal justice since 1990 under Marc Mauer. Please continue his work.
Carl E.
Thank you to you all for your dedicated work and support!
Nancy Carol T.
It's inspiring to see the many people who are so determined to do what they are doing for the good of others. It takes each one of us coming together to do what is right.
Russ D.
I'm inspired, excited and have great hope for The Sentencing Project. I keep monitoring them in the news and other media. I know the human beings who got incarcerated who have great potential. Mass Incarceration, there's no room for it in the USA.
Meg C.
Please stay strong! People care about you!
Norma N.
As an advocate to see less numbers of Black people being incarcerated, I am thankful for the work being done by The Sentencing Project.
Susan N.
Anything you do to create a fair sentencing structure is so important and appreciated.
An anonymous supporter
If they can't hear one voice, let's make them hear us all!
Heather V.
Prayers for all families and friends who have incarcerated loved ones, best wishes and big prayers for them to come home sooner than later.
Nina F.
When we work together, we are so much better off. Spread peace and unity, not violence.
Anna R.
I appreciate the work The Sentencing Project is doing for youth justice!
Kimberly Simone S.
We cannot and will not stop fighting for human rights and dignity.
Grace U.
Thank you for your hard work on the front lines against mass incarceration! Please continue to positively impact our world and criminal justice system with our eternal gratitude.
Michelle D.
You give me hope that goodness, kindness and justice will prevail.
Erich S.
I appreciate your vital work and have been a long-time supporter. We will only achieve an equitable society if and when our justice system is truly just and fair.
Regina K.
I hope you continue your efforts to end mass incarceration.
Larry S.
We're hanging tough to bring criminal justice reform to Santa Barbara County, CA. You hang tough, too. For most, incarceration does not protect public safety. There are better alternatives for accountability.
Robert S.
Thanks for your attention to this worthy cause. Keep up the good work.
D'Spencer L.
Your work is so important to so many people, and I hope you know how many communities are very greatly impacted by what you do.
James & Betty P.
We appreciate all you do on behalf of those who are incarcerated. Our dear daughter is one of these folks.
Mary B.
As the mother of an incarcerated son, I'm so thankful for you all at TSP for caring about us and bringing facts and education to folks. You really inspire hope!
Diane O.
Many of us detest injustice, worry about American's cowardice when it comes to history, but you are actually doing something to make things right. I'm humbled and grateful.
Amy B.
I'm thankful for the wonderful reports, information and panelists that ya'll bring together to spread knowledge and awareness.
Stacy C.
Thank you for spreading knowledge. I am a High School teacher in Rhode Island, and I will use the information you provided to teach students about these unjust policies.
Brittany R.
I'm thankful for this group and your mission. I pray for little successes that will eventually make a big difference in ending mass incarceration.
Dana W.
Thank you for helping those in prison who have been over sentenced.
Robert Tyrone L.
I value The Sentencing Project for its commitment to collaboration across diverse ideas and groups. When tackling the challenges of the U.S. systems of punishment, we must embrace different perspectives as opportunities for mutual learning and growth.
Audrey A.
Hope is believing that we can instigate change and achieve the goal to end mass incarceration and instigate a second chance for the restored and redeemed who are incarcerated. Thank you to every justice warrior who are actively instigating to change the criminal legal system towards doing what is just and right.
Robert B.
The reports of The Sentencing Project have been critically important in the work for criminal justice reform.
Raymond G.
Thank you for fighting for those who are victims of injustice, and for being present with support and love.
An anonymous supporter
Thank you for your efforts to bring about much needed change!
Christina R.
Thank you for the work, passion, advocacy and persistence. At times it can be daunting looking at the injustices and areas in need of change, it is important to step back and appreciate the progress and resilience that exist both inside and outside of the walls!
Maureen M.
It is a mission that requires "all hands on deck" and you are leading the way. We MUST change this unfair, unjust system and begin the work of prevention and healing vs locking people in cages.