Advocacy Letter

Letter in Support of the COVID-19 Safer Detention Act and First Step Implementation Act

In a letter of support submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee, The Sentencing Project's Executive Director Amy Fettig expressed the importance of advancing the COVID-19 Safer Detention Act (S.312) and the First Step Implementation Act (S.1014).

Related to: Sentencing Reform, COVID-19, Federal Advocacy

In a letter of support submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee, The Sentencing Project’s Executive Director Amy Fettig expressed the importance of advancing the COVID-19 Safer Detention Act (S.312) and the First Step Implementation Act (S.1014). She highlighted how both bills respond to a wealth of criminological research that illustrates the ineffectiveness of lengthy prison sentences that keep people behind bars long after they have demonstrated full rehabilitation and readiness to successfully reenter society.

To read her full letter, download the PDF.

About the Author

  • Amy Fettig

    Executive Director

    Amy Fettig is a human rights lawyer and leading expert on criminal justice reform who has garnered national recognition for her work on prison conditions.  Prior to joining The Sentencing Project, Fettig served as Deputy Director for the ACLU’s National Prison Project.

    Read more about Amy

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