Advocacy Letter

Sign-on Letter: Stop Sequel Pomegranate’s Abuse of Ohio’s Youth and Families

Pomegranate survivors and youth justice organizations request a meeting with the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to discuss ways to prevent placement of youth in for-profit youth residential treatment facilities, and to ensure that youth receive care in safe environments free from abuse and neglect.

Related to: Youth Justice, State Advocacy

September 22, 2021

Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
30 East Broad Street, 36th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3430

Dear Director Lori Criss,

First we want to thank the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services for your leadership in striving to ensure all youth are placed in safe and supportive environments, as well as your commitment to investing in community services for youth through the OhioRISE program.

Many of the undersigned organizations contacted you back in December as it related to your diligent investigation into Sequel Pomegranate’s use of restraint and other safety concerns.  We were pleased to learn that Sequel Youth and Family Services voluntarily relinquished their residential treatment facility license.  Furthermore, most recently we are pleased to learn that Torii Behavioral Health, formerly Sequel Pomegranate, is voluntarily relinquishing its OhioMHAS license and certifications for the acute psychiatric facility effective October 8, 2021.

With the upcoming October 10, 2021 opportunity nearing for Sequel to reapply for their residential treatment facility license, we remain committed to raising public awareness about the harmful impact Sequel has had on Ohio’s youth and families, including survivors who stand behind this letter.  Due to the well-documented abuse and neglect, including but not limited to restraint and seclusion, experienced by children and teenagers at Sequel Pomegranate, we believe Sequel should not be licensed to do business in Ohio or any other state.

Pomegranate survivors, along with representatives from our organizations, request a meeting with your office to discuss ways to prevent placement of youth in for-profit youth residential treatment facilities (in and out of state) and OhioMHAS’s ability to ensure that youth receive care in safe environments free from abuse and neglect.

Thank you for considering our meeting request and we hope to be in touch soon.


Addison Torrence

Amelia Castel

Andrew Elswick

DeAnna Black (Bowman)

Elise Torrence

Lavoya Martin

Rachel Hetrick


Alumni of Care Together Improving Outcomes Now (ACTION Ohio)

Black Lives Matter Cleveland Inc.

Children’s Law Center, Inc.

Disability Rights Ohio

Faith In Public Life

InterReligious Task Force on Central America

Juvenile Justice Coalition

National Association of Social Workers, Ohio Chapter

Ohio Student Association

Opportunities Peoples Justice Leaders

Overcoming Hurdles in Ohio Youth Advisory Board (OHIO YAB)

P.O.W Protect Our Women

River Valley Organizing

Stay Focused Movement

Showing Up for Racial Justice Ohio

The Freedom BLOC

Universal Health Care Action Network of Ohio


Breaking Code Silence

Center for Children’s Law and Policy

Children’s Rights

National Juvenile Defender Center

National Juvenile Justice Network

The Sentencing Project

We Warned Them Campaign

Youth First Initiative

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