Ending Extreme Sentences
The Sentencing Project supports advocacy efforts in at least six jurisdictions – including Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, and Rhode Island – to advance sentencing reforms that promote community safety and reduce ineffective overreliance on incarceration. State campaign activities include coalition leadership, public event coordination, inside/out strategy support, strategic communications, and tailored research and data analysis.

State Campaigns
The Sentencing Project supports advocacy efforts in 6 jurisdictions, including Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, and Rhode Island, to advance sentencing reforms that promote community safety and reduce ineffective overreliance on incarceration. State campaign activities include coalition leadership, public event coordination, inside/out strategy support, strategic communications, and tailored research and data analysis.

Federal Campaigns
The Sentencing Project works to advance federal reforms that promote community safety, create second chances, and reduce the federal prison population. Our advocates strive for the full implementation of the First Step Act and legislation that would build on its success, as well as advise policymakers on evidence-based sentencing practices. Federal advocacy and education activities include coalition leadership with The Justice Roundtable’s Sentencing Reform Working Group, expert assistance to lawmakers, regulatory comments, and tailored research and data analysis.

Legal Advocacy
The Sentencing Project’s research helps drive sentencing reform in the courts. Our research is regularly cited in litigation striving to end extreme sentencing and we partner with leading impact litigation organizations to file strategic amicus briefs.

Get Involved
Changing laws and policies to end mass incarceration require a mass movement. Your voice is vital to making a difference to the individuals, families, and communities impacted by mass incarceration.
Rhode Island needs to do better with recognizing rehabilitation works and that we need to stop throwing our kids away. The Sentencing Project has been a tremendous help with educating and advocating for change. The Sentencign Project is always there to answer questions that I can not answer, provides guidance and support when tackling hurdles that get thrown up in our efforts to change the justice system. I consider them an important part of my team! They are a nationally recognized leader and are relied upon heavily by many of us!