Fact Sheet

Georgia Should Restore Voting Rights to 234,000 Citizens

Georgia denies the vote to its citizens with a felony conviction at a rate that exceeds the national average–3.1% of the state’s voting age population versus 2.0% nationally. Georgia lawmakers should extend voting rights to all people affected by the criminal legal system in the state

Related to: Voting Rights, Racial Justice, State Advocacy

Georgia denies the vote to its citizens with a felony conviction at a rate that exceeds the national average–3.1% of the state’s voting age population versus 2.0% nationally. Georgia’s Black citizens are significantly more likely to be disenfranchised than non-Black citizens, with 5.2% of Georgia’s Black voting age population currently denied the vote. Georgia denies the vote to all people in prison, on probation or parole and is thus more prohibitive than 24 states and Washington, DC. In order to promote democracy and ensure all its people are represented, Georgia lawmakers should extend voting rights to all people affected by the criminal legal system in the state.

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About the Authors

  • Kevin Muhitch

    Research Fellow

  • Whitney Threadcraft, Ph.D.

    Research Fellow

  • Kristen M. Budd, Ph.D.

    Research Analyst

    Kristen M. Budd, Ph.D., has an academic and research background in the social and legal responses to interpersonal violence with a focus on crimes of a sexual nature. She has conducted research on public perceptions of sex offenses and corresponding laws and criminal justice practice as well as patterns and predictors of sex offense behavior and victimization.

    Read more about Kristen

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